What room inside the house do you find the most difficult to clean? I’m sure it is the bathroom. It takes effort and elbow grease to clean showers, bathtubs, toilets, and other surfaces of all kinds of deposits.
Because you need your bathroom to keep your body hygienic, it’s only natural that it’s the cleanest room in your home. Bacteria, fungi, and bad smells can quickly build up in your room because of water, steam, and dirt.
There are small things you can do on an everyday basis to make the area cleaner: washing and cleaning up spills or splodges on the mirror, retaining the washbasin and countertops dry, and wiping down the toilet chair and faucet handles. Everything of this once every two to three days to ease the load.

However, if you’re one of those people who does not like cleaning regularly, to avoid mildew as well as other accumulation, deep clean your bathroom at least once every one to two weeks, depending on how frequently you clean your shower, and sweep the flooring, or sanitize faucets. Having said that, toilets, sinks, and other elevated areas must be cleaned on a weekly basis.
This article will provide you with the top ten tips and tricks, common mistakes to avoid, and a step-by-step process to help you clean your bathrooms efficiently and successfully. When you have the chance, use these bathroom cleaning tips and tricks to give your entire bathroom a thorough cleaning.
Top 10 Tips and Tricks for Cleaning Bathrooms
Keeping your bathroom clean is not guaranteed to be a delightful experience. Who has ever claimed to enjoy scrubbing toilets or removing mildew stains? However, that doesn’t imply it has to be a thankless job—or one that takes a long time.
1. Vinegar can be used to clean your shower.
We’ve gathered suggestions, tips, and tricks from top cleaning professionals on how to clean a bathroom using products you probably already have on hand, making the procedure easier and conserving your time.
White vinegar is the key to gleaming shower tiles, and it’s already in your cupboard or kitchen. Microwave the vinegar and spray it on while it’s still hot. If the smell bothers you, add a tablespoon of dish soap to the solution, knowing that this can also significantly alleviate it through thick filth.
2. Use a dish brush to scrub mildew away.
If your bathroom has mildew or surface mold, a clean dish brush is an item you’ll need to get rid of it. To make a mold-busting cleanser, mix six cups of warm water with a quarter cup of bleach. Scrub the walls with this solution and rinse well with a container or a handheld showerhead sprayer.
3. Use baking soda to remove mold spots.
Use a paste of baking soda and water to remove persistent mold and mildew spots that a regular dish brush and bleach solution can’t remove. Smear the stain with the paste and leave it on for 3 to 4 hours before rinsing thoroughly.
4. Deodorize your drain with baking soda and vinegar.
If your drain is generating foul aromas, a simple solution of baking soda and vinegar will solve the problem in no time. When vinegar and baking soda are combined, they start to bubble, which can help break up any congealed fat in your drain. 1 cup baking soda + 2 cups white vinegar down the drain, followed by a half-hour flush with hot water.
5. Clean the tiny portions of your sink with dental floss.
Some areas of your sink are simply too small to be cleaned with a standard cleaning tool. Fortunately, there’s a remedy right in your medicine cabinet: Dental floss is an excellent way to clean debris from the faucet’s nooks and crevices.
6. Clean your toilet with a denture tablet.
Are you in no mood to clean your toilet? Allow a denture pill to do the heavy cleaning for you. To get rid of toilet bowl stains and rust, simply drop one in, wait for it to do its thing, and then flush.
7. To remove watermarks or spots, rub lemon over it.
Though water stains are unavoidable in areas where water is continually flowing (such as the shower and the sink), removing them is surprisingly easy—and inexpensive. All you have to do is wipe lemon over your tarnished chrome fixtures, and the blemishes should be gone in no time. Furthermore, utilizing citrus as a cleaner will cover up any unpleasant odors.
8. Use black tea to restore the luster of your mirror.
You want your bathroom mirror to be immaculate so you can see how you look before you leave the house, but it’s often clouded up with water spots, dust, and other debris. What is the solution? Black tea, to be precise.
To clean your hazy mirror, simply blend a cup of boiling hot water with a few bags of black tea, let it cool, and apply the resulting solution. Any filth will be dissolved by the tannic acid in the tea, leaving you with a pristine surface that speaks no falsehoods.
9. To avoid corrosion, apply nail polish.
Metallic shaving cream or soap containers that remain in your shower or even your sink are likely to rust, resulting in difficult-to-clean stains. If you don’t want to waste time cleaning stains away, all you need to do is coat a layer or two of clear nail polish around the rims of any items that have the tendency to get rusty, and the stains will be gone in no time.
10. To clean tile grout, combine baking soda and bleach.
When the grout (the material used to fill in the gaps between tiles) is clean, it looks great, but dirt may easily get into those little cracks, making the walls appear dirty in an otherwise sparkling bathroom. Use a paste comprised of 3/4 cup baking soda and 1/4 cup bleach on the grouting, let it sit for 30 minutes, then scrub away with a scrub brush or cloth to expose sparkling clean walls.
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Bathrooms
Having to clean the bathroom is the dirtiest task on the planet, but that’s something we all have to do. Cleaning methods and common misconceptions can appear to be astonishing. Even so, there are a few basic guidelines that everyone should adhere to.
When it comes to cleaning bathrooms, here are a few common mistakes to avoid.
Using a one-for-all product every time
The principle of “less is best” doesn’t really apply to the restroom, unfortunately. In a bathroom, there are many different areas to clean, which necessitates the use of different cleaning chemicals. To eliminate soapy residue and mold from tiles, use a light abrasive cleanser. To avoid scratching vanities and bathtubs during the cleaning procedure, use a non-abrasive cleaner.
Toilets, on the other hand, require a powerful antibacterial treatment to prevent the proliferation of germs. Use a glass cleaner on your mirrors and glass surfaces for a streak-free final touch.
Not cleaning your toothbrushes
You may believe that the bathroom cleaning process is complete once all of your surfaces are gleaming and spotless. Wrong. Because bacteria accumulate within toothbrushes, you should replace them every three months and soak them in vinegar for two weeks.
Brushes should also be kept out of direct sunlight and away from the toilet. Hair should be removed from brushes to prevent skin and other microorganisms from accumulating inside.
Not cleaning your toilet brush
It should go without saying that the toilet brush is a breeding ground for bacteria, but most of us don’t clean it very often. Filling a bucket with hot water and two bleach capsules and keeping it in there for an hour is the easiest way to accomplish it. Replace it in the toilet brush holder after rinsing it with hot water and allowing it to dry completely.
Pipes that have not been cleaned
Isn’t it true that what’s out of sight is out of mind? Nope. To avoid grease, oil, and hair buildup inside your pipes, it’s recommended that you clean them every month or two.
Pouring half a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by half a cup of white vinegar, is the easiest way to do it. Allow some time for the fatty acids to break down before finishing the cleaning by running boiling water down the drain.
Not giving the items adequate time to work
We all want to finish the dirty work as soon as possible. However, you may have to wait if you want it thoroughly cleaned. To obtain squeaky-clean results, most solutions require time to set after application, and always follow the recommendations on the label to ensure squeaky-clean results.
Lack of appropriate ventilation
Most people assume that a bathroom’s scent suggests that it is spotless. It can, however, be harmful to your health. It’s critical to ventilate bathrooms correctly, particularly after using harsh cleaning agents like bleach or products with strong odors.
How to Clean Bathrooms Effectively, Step by Step
It’s easy to keep the bathroom clean and clutter-free if you do a few simple things every day. For example, wash and wipe down the mirror, keep the washbasin and counters dry, and wipe down the toilet chair and handle once every two or three days.
For mildew and other buildups, thoroughly clean your bathroom at least once every one to two weeks, depending on how regularly you clean your shower, sweep the floor, or disinfect faucets. This will help to avoid. Having said that, it is necessary to clean the toilets, sinks, and other high-traffic areas on a weekly basis at the very least.
This step-by-step approach can help you clean your bathrooms quickly and effectively. Apply these bathroom cleaning procedures whenever there’s an opportunity to give your entire bathroom a thorough cleaning.
Remove everything from the bathroom
Rather than doing this step as you go, do it all at once to maximize results. Remove every bath and shower item. Toss aside all of the old towels and rugs, and the counters inside the bathroom should be cleared as well. Do not forget to collect any trash cans that may be lying about.
Sweep and mop the floors and ceiling
Grab a long-handled duster to clear out any cobwebs from corners, light fixtures, and vents. If you’re still having trouble clearing the cobwebs, try bringing in a stepladder. If hair or other debris has amassed on the floors, use a vacuum or sweeper to clean them up.
If you have a bathroom fan, clean its grill with a vacuum and a soap and water solution, being cautious not to wet any of the fan’s internal components. The grill should be rinsed and dried after soaking in sudsy water. You could also do the same for any vacuumable ventilation type.
Clean the shower and bathtub with a mild cleanser
If you clean your shower on a regular basis, use an all-purpose cleaner, or perhaps an acid-based cleaner if you don’t. Shower tracks and the interior of the shower door, if accessible, should also be considered. Let it sit for a while.
Take on additional surfaces to work with
Wipe down towel racks, shelves, baseboards, doors, blinds, and windowsills with the all-purpose cleaner sprayed on your cleaning tool (i.e. microfiber cloth, sponge, etc.). From top to bottom and left to right, divide the area into sections and work on each section in turn.
Prepare a floor cleaning solution
Add the suggested amount of all-purpose cleaner to a pail of warm water. Rinse the floor, shower, and bathtub with the solution.
Hit the shower and bathtub
Lightly scrape away loose debris and buildup after the floor cleaning solution has done most of the job for you. Be sure to thoroughly clean all surfaces before rinsing.
Return the items to the bathroom
Make sure you put back whatever you took out of the bathroom and then shut the door or curtain. Also, keep the door clean using a glass cleaner, and wash the curtain using regular cloth washing materials.
Sanitize the sink area
Apply an all-purpose cleaner, and wipe the sink, faucets, and countertops down with a clean towel. Use a scrubby sponge to dislodge any buildup in the sink or soap dish before wiping. Clean your mirror with glass cleaner, and cabinet faces can be dusted with a wet cloth.
Clean the toilet
Use a toilet brush and a toilet-specific cleaning solution if there is any accumulation, then flush. Wipe the outside of the toilet with a clean towel after spraying it with an all-purpose cleaner.
Mop the floor
Clean the bathroom floor by submerging your mop in the bucket of cleaning solution, then squeeze out the excess water. When the floor is dry, change the trash can and replace your freshly washed carpets.
Cleaning the bathroom is a chore that no one enjoys, but if done regularly, it becomes much less onerous. Follow the quick and easy cleaning procedures mentioned above to keep your floors, walls, and toilets sparkling clean at all times.
Every room, including the bathroom, requires a thorough cleaning from top to bottom on a regular basis. It’s possible that everything from your shower door to your toothbrush handle is full of bacteria.
As you can see, there are many kinds of bacteria. Some can be harmful to humans, like the ones that can cause skin infections, pneumonia, and septicemia.
But, a simple cleaning won’t be enough to get rid of all the germs. It’s important to understand how to clean a bathroom so it doesn’t just look clean but also gets rid of all the bacteria that could be bad. Almost everything in a bathroom should be cleaned at least once a week, and you should deep clean it once a month.
If you do your weekly cleaning, you’ll be able to keep things clean and stop bacteria from building up. Once a month, you’ll do a deep clean to fix any problems.
This article has provided you with important information about how to clean a bathroom and instructed you on how to go about it. True, it’s a lot of work at times, but if you keep at it and use the right tools, a clean bathroom is good for your body and mind.